In the absence of formal education for most jobs in the company / regulation and charging of furnaces, furnace drillers, hoists, workers on the Si-dust filling system / the company has made special efforts for years to train workers to perform the required jobs in the production process Si- metal using its own internal resources.
Safer working conditions are set as a priority in the B.S.I. LLC Jajce, therefore, one of the basic commitments of this Company is to invest in improving working conditions through investment in direct protection (personal, health, technological), but also the social standard and social protection of its employees.
The willingness of the owners to invest funds has certainly resulted in this company being one of the few in this area that has acquired certification requirements for foreign business, both in terms of product quality, through standardization of internal administrative and production procedures, and in terms of what inevitably follows development of the company, which is environmental protection, workplace safety and protection of all other process segments.
Investing in workplace safety, if we take only one segment, and that is personal workplace safety, in this company in recent years has a constant upward trajectory because the position of the Management of this company is that this financial item is not a cost in the present, but an investment in the near and distant future in which the first place always belongs – to a satisfied and safe and insured employee at work.
Qualification structure:
- Higer education and master – 7%
- High education – 2%
- High school – 24%
- Highly qualified – 46%
- Unqualified – 21%